SAMPLE from Hours    3
Writing, Editing, Cooking


© 2001

A N T O F A G A S T A, C H I L E


THE DARKNESS of the Chilean coastal desert at night is as black as the space between stars. The journey across it is a chrysalid existence, in-between states. On auto-pilot, the absolute darkness combined with the drone of the DC-4's engines creates a cocoon around the aircraft. The Automatic Directional Finder helps me home in on Antofagasta, itself an in-between state, between Santiago and Lima.

Having lived so long with only the stars, when the lights of the city become visible, they strike one as odd, as a single, dim star out of place in firmament. The star grows in size as the plane approaches, but by growing in size appears to grow dimmer. Slowly, the lights begin to spread apart, to become their own minor constellation. My crew and I begin our work


After the pleasant drone of the engines, this call to work is jarring. Where before there had been a fluid purring, there is staccato call-and-response.

"Panagra flight twenty-two, this is Antofagasta tower. You are clear for final approach. We report clear conditions on the ground, a twenty knot quarter wind at thirty degrees left of runway ."



...updated 4/10/2006



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